UHGroupings is a project that I joined in 2021. The website allows you to create, organize, and manage a group of people associated with the University of Hawaii. Members can be grouped by their emails, roles, lists that they belong to, and much more. A owner of a grouping can allow users to either be included or excluded from a grouping based on their relevance to the group and members can opt out of groups if they are no longer want to be affiliated with the group.
UH Groupings uses AngularJS along with Twitters Bootstrap to design the frontend. We use the Springboot framework along with Maven to build the project. To create the API our team uses Java along with the Grouper API. The project also uses Git/Github for version control. To manage a large team we meet once a week and discuss thing’s that we are currently working on or ask for help from other members of the team.
This is not just the first developer job that I have had, but also the first job that I have ever had in general. Initially, I was extremely overwhelmed because at the time I had never worked on a project this large before or had any experience as a real developer. This was also the first time that I was not working alone on projects like I had in my previous computer science classes ICS 111 (Intro to Computer Science I) and ICS 211 (Intro to Computer Science II). During my time at this project I learned how to effectively communicate with a team, work in a agile envrionment, learn javascript, as well as learning what kind of questions to ask at our weekly team meetings in order to get help for issues that I am stuck on. So far, I have contributed to the project by increasing our code coverage for testing, implement new features, fix various bugs throughout the project, and cleaning up our code base. This job has allowed me to deepen my knowledge of web development and gain real insight as to what working on a project with a team looks and feels like.
Source (UI): devgav/uh-groupings-ui
Source (API): devgav/uh-groupings-api