Overview This semester I had an opportunity to work with the DOE for my Software Engineering II course in order to create a bill tracker application that would allow DOE employees to easily manage thousands of bills that they get....
Throughout this semester I have learned that being a software engineer is not just if someone can code a good-looking website. This semester has allowed me to gain a glimpse of the many responsibilities and challenges that a software engineer...
Builds and programs Learning design patterns reminds me a lot of video games and the learning curve of how to build correctly in many of today’s games. Take, for example, Elden Ring, a recent game I’ve been playing, which is...
Life without Semantic If you have ever used HTML and CSS to design a website, you know that it can take hours, or sometimes even days, to design a good-looking website, and it can be annoying to maintain the media...
Why RadGrad? Many college students attend college with the hope of being able to obtain a high-paying job to get out of poverty. However, as many of us are aware nowadays, it can take a lot more than a college...
Sleeping on Coding Standards When I first began programming, I did not care much about coding standards. I was more concerned with getting the program to run and compile before submitting it, rather than with how presentable my code looked.However,...
I’m sure we have all gotten stuck on a problem or an error that we just can’t quite seem to figure out. Today, we naturally flock to our favorite search engine, type in our question, and out comes our answer....
Javascript vs Java Before learning javascript I was only exposed to Java and C/C++ which are both statically typed languages. Instead of writing String name; name = “John”; //Allowed name = 34; //Not allowed we can write Let name; name...
Why STEM? While I was in high school, I never saw myself becoming a STEM major. I had an interest in the business field and planned to pursue a career related to business. However, as I was deciding my major...